Jalyn (They/She) is an actor, poet, and arts educator. They are driven to explore the intersectional black experience through poetic and generational narratives.

Photo: Collin Quinn Rice

Detroit born and Chicago based, they received their BFA from Michigan State University. Acting credits include the solo production of Nilaja Sun’s ‘No Child’ (Mississippi Bend Players), ‘Queen of Sock Pairing’ as The Narrator (Red Tape Theatre), ‘We Are Pussy Riot’ as Masha (Red Tape Theatre), ‘The Dark at the Top of the Stairs’ as Cora Flood (U/S) (Eclipse Theatre), ‘Crumbs from the Table of Joy’ as Ermina Crump (U/S) (Raven Theatre) and ‘Breathe, Boom’ as Angel (Eclipse Theatre).

Jalyn is the creator of the literary performance collective/ platform, Pen47; with the mission to seek the expansion and accessibility of Black literature in our communities by creating intentional space for Black stories, curating content/events centering Black works, and uplifting our rich history through performance, centering adaptions and historical narratives. Through this platform, The Black Poets Project was created. Produced by Jalyn, it premiered as a social media series in 2020, and features contemporary Chicago artists reciting, interpreting, and meditating on classic Black poetry.

As a poet, they’ve been featured in several showcases including You’re So Special, The Newness, Red Talk, and Front Room Poetry.

Last but not least, Jalyn thrives on the belief that arts education is key in creating compassionate, bold, and effective leaders. Partnered with Chicago theatres and youth arts organizations such as Steppenwolf Theatre, Lifeline Theatre, and Emerald, and Lookingglass Theatre, they’ve provided arts programming to thousands of students across Chicagoland, with an emphasis on communities with large minority and immigrant populations.

 Jalyn is also a member of the 2021 inaugural IGNITE cohort, under the mentorship of Nambi E. Kelley. They are represented by Shirley Hamilton Talent.